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El otrora rey era Tinyurl con mucha gente usando este servicio, aún no tenían claro de como monetizarlo apropiadamente y la proliferación casi inmediata de compañías que empezaron a ofrecer este servicio que para muchos es irrelevante, pero en realidad mide el pulso de muchos heavy users de twitter.
Como todos sabemos destronó a Tinyurl en este nuevo y floreciente mercado desde que Twitter escogió a como su acortador url por defecto, tanto así que a crecido un impresionante 12% con respecto a otros servicios similares como Tinyurl o revisemos como esta la tabla de posiciones de este segmento del mercado en Estados Unidos.
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17 comentarios es el rey indiscutible de los acortadores URL
This comment was originally posted on Twitter es el rey indiscutible de los acortadores URL
This comment was originally posted on Twitter es el rey indiscutible de los acortadores URL
This comment was originally posted on Twitter
Thanks for posting these. While Simple Minds is a band not especially well-served by the 12" format, I’d recommend checking out Zeus B. Held’s extended remix of "Oh, Jungleland," which absolutely blows the doors off the anything on Once Upon a Time.
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I don’t know if anyone could ever dance to these sorts of 80s remixes, but I appreciate the hell out of them as a musician. With those dense Steve Lillywhite mixes, and the guitar and keyboard parts all intertwined to the point of indistinguishability, it’s incredibly useful to have things broken down and deconstructed so I can make out what Charlie Burchill is actually playing, and learn to play it myself.
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Damn, I was really hoping for "new gold dream (81, 82, etc.)" Was there a 12"? Did you perhaps forget and are about to upload this post once more? That would be outstanding. Thanks in advance.
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There is a 12" for New Gold Dream, and I debated between posting that and Someone Somewhere in Summertime. I guess I chose poorly.
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Actually, these 12" versions of "Sanctify Yourself" and, specially, "All the Things she said" were huge in clubs and mixtapes in Mexico City around that time.
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Great mix, David! I love Sparkle in the Rain, but because of the mastering, all the songs sound flat to me. There’s no punch in the drums, the high end is pushed WAY up, and, alas, it kind of sounds like AM radio.
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Great choice…thanks for putting these up. I don’t think I’ve heard most of these mixes before.
Simple Minds will always hold a special place in my heart because they were the very first concert I got to go to with just me and my friends (no parents, older siblings, etc.), during their tour supporting "Once Upon a Time".
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I saw that tour. The Call opened up. Hell of a double bill.
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Hey David, thanks for posting this is excellent stuff, always liked Simple Minds an excellent band.
Cheers Dude.
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I saw Simple Minds for "Once Upon A Time" and the opener was Shriekback. (This was in Boston, MA.)
Fantastic show! I still remember it. Didn’t hurt that it was my first date with a girl I really liked either.
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This comment was originally posted on Twitter yo utilizo! jojo
This comment was originally posted on Twitter